January 2025 Kingdom Education Community Circle

Register for this upcoming Zoom event

January 21, 2025 4:00 PM Pacific Time
(5:00 PM Mountain Time, 6:00 PM Central Time, and 7:00 PM Eastern Time)

Click the link to sign up for the Zoom meeting


Join us as Dr. Amy Davies will address the importance of higher education in a Kingdom-minded school community. Kingdom educators have the wisdom of heaven and need to be equipped to share their wisdom in both the classroom and higher education.

Creating a Foundation for Kingdom Education – Nov. 19, 2024

Cindy Bartlett

Cindy discusses how understanding and honoring God’s plan for growth and development provides a foundation for Kingdom Education. In the Kingdom of God, children hold a unique and invaluable place, reflecting qualities that Jesus Himself elevated and cherished.


Here is the link to the Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1urCxVbE83ylTDU69y6QLDnpwc_X01IWO/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=111507100167990318429&rtpof=true&sd=true

Here is the link to the  expanded document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YJzLK_25Q7ZS6enH0e-vqIOJpkrTO2QP/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=111507100167990318429&rtpof=true&sd=true

Community Circle

These previously recorded topics are from our Kingdom Education Community Circle. Please join in the conversation every 3rd Tuesday from 4:00 – 5:30 pm (PST). Christian school staff, Christian individuals, and leaders in preschool through higher education are invited to participate in these passionate community discussions about bringing God’s kingdom to education. The Kingdom Education Community Circle is a space for discussion, information sharing, connecting, networking, and sharing resources about topics that apply to education. All are welcome! Please register for this event: Registration link below

Feb. 20, 2024 Don Mayer spoke on classroom management. The first steps in growing in you ability to disciple your students.
March 19, 2024 Renee Rose spoke on The Family and School Connection, Training the next generation.
May 21, 2024 topic: A Simple Plan to Save Our Kids and Renew Our Nation, presented by Homer Allen, founder of HomeSchool New England
June 18, 2024 topic: The Prodigal Son Restoration Model
presented by Dr. Robert Peck, founder of The Samuel School.

Keys to Kingdom Education

Welcome to our brand new website where we will explore education on earth as it is in heaven.

Our mission is to partner with you in bringing Kingdom minded education to prepare and develop the whole student; mind, body, and spirit, through academic training that is interwoven with ministry and worship, (Proverbs 22:6].

The videos and information shared here come form experienced Christian educators that are using these Kingdom keys to effectively prepare students to prevail as world changers, (Mathew 16:19).